Conflict resolution On Hand

less fights, more fun…

Ever found yourself wondering why talking about feelings can sometimes feel like walking through a minefield? Well, it turns out your Heart Line placement has a say in that! If it’s lower and straight, diving into emotional discussions prematurely can spike anxiety. On the flip side, if it gracefully curves up towards the top, it tends to ease the tension. Pretty cool, right? And guess what? Science is totally on board with this!

Now, let’s talk Head Line – it spills the beans on how you express those feelings. A short, straight line? Actions speak louder than words. Long, curved lines? You’re a natural at navigating uncharted emotional territories with your words.

Enter Conflict Resolution on Hand, your golden ticket to decoding the secrets of effective communication. In this two-hour live online class with Lisa Greenfield, the author behind “Chapter Five, Your Hands Tell The Truth” in Your Guide To Self Discovery, you’ll dive into how your heart and head lines reveal the way you handle disagreements.

Join our live, Online, two-hour class on Jan. 20, 2024, 10 am PST.

Mark your calendars for January 20, 2024, 10 am PST, and let the adventure begin!

This class is all about empowering you to leverage your strengths, tackle weaknesses, and gain profound insights into the behaviors of others.  The best news, you aren’t stuck with what’s on hand.  When you change your mind, you change the line

Conflict is NOT inevitable.  

Here’s what you’ll experience in the class:
Master the art of identifying another’s conflict style at a glance, turning disagreements into opportunity for positive experiences.
Gain insights into the fascinating world of neurobiology and psychology behind behaviors.
Equip yourself with Non-Violent Conflict Resolution techniques for classy, win-win outcomes.

It’s not about annoyance; it’s about fostering understanding!

It gets better – you can give the class as a gift, with a two-for-one entry. How, you ask?  Purchase three (or more) books, and voila, you can bring a friend to class for free!  Picture this – giving someone the gift of defusing disagreements and learning together.

So, go ahead, purchase your class HERE and imagine being both the gift-giver and the wise conflict resolver. And if they decline? Well, you still win by learning how to handle arguments like a pro.

Be the solution.  

Come explore triggers, needs, and remedies for each heart type, unveiling your emotional intimacy setting and ways to connect better with others.

Bonus: discover how to assess others’ capacities and skills for healthier arguments. Tell at a glance what approach is most effective!

Join the adventure to map your best approach to conflict resolution.


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Comments (1)

[…] This Eight of Cups serves as a constant reminder that the tide continues to recede, even as another wave rolls up on the shore. Keep this in mind today as triggers surface. There’s a method to this provocative madness. Regardless of your feelings about discord, focus on honing your coping skills. Childhood rarely taught us how to navigate healthy disagreements. In this transformational period, each of us is called upon to reparent ourselves. When feelings arise, your key effort lies in acknowledging and normalizing them. (Find out more about your coping skills Here.) […]

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