4/23 Scorpio Full Moon – Finding Unconditional Love


As Mercury is about to go direct, we face a loaded Full Moon engaging in a tense conversation with both the Sun and Moon. My advice? Take a timeout before things escalate. A cosmic alarm clock is sounding off in our lives and world. Prioritize self-care before saying or doing anything. Let me repeat that: Pause as often as you can before speaking or acting.

Because Aries is geared up to react before considering consequences. Unrestrained self-expression is a youthful response. It’s also a trauma response. This Full Moon is ruled by Mars, who is cozying up to Neptune.  So resist impulsive reactions.  That’s no small task right now. Then let compassionate action or informed non-action evolve even the most unpleasant circumstances. And who wouldn’t want more pleasant days, right?

After all, who doesn’t yearn for perfection? Why would you knowingly pass up unconditional love? But it’s likely you have.  Perhaps because you’ve confused unconditional love with unconditional presence. When behavior is abrasive, conflict-laden, or unequal, people usually pull back. This doesn’t mean they don’t care about you. But don’t mistake tolerance of bad behavior for unconditional love. As one friend aptly put it to another, “My love is unconditional, but my presence isn’t.”  When we long for unconditional presence, it’s the child in us longing to be loved no matter what.  We have to parent our own young self with our adult wisdom and not leave that for our partners to do.  

This Moon cycle emphasizes a more equitable balance in relationships. Research shows that disrespectful and unkind behavior damages trust.  Acting from the wound costs you. If it isn’t acknowledged, apologized for, and replaced with better behavior, relationships aren’t sustainable. People may still love you, but they’ll do it from a distance. And when you exhibit better behavior, people  close the gap.  Then you discover just how much you are loved.  But first you have to face the shame and guilt you have within you.  When we don’t acknowledge it within us, we project it out onto others.  Then we shame and blame them, much as our internal dialogue does with us.

The reason is for acting out doesn’t matter as much; everyone has their wounds activated right now. The eclipse with Chiron last Moon cycle ensured that. Many people still expect the present to make up for the past, but that’s not where your power is stored. Power is when you stay in this moment, taking care of whatever you feel in a thoughtful way. When you do, positive impact skyrockets. Although we’ve normalized and even glorified bad behavior as the mark of a true individual, it’s not building material for the long haul. So, it’s time to clean-out  the rotten spots. Time to see them, own them, and replace them with something durable. That’s how you love yourself unconditionally and let a more whole, less wounded version of you connect with those around you.

Mars and Neptune are pivotal in this Moon cycle. Those strategic pauses I recommend? They give you time to acknowledge and accept your own immature or selfish response. It’s human, so no finger pointing needed. Honesty is a starting point, not a stopping point.  Mars and Neptune in Pisces can soften our ego response and give us a more flowing natural interaction, with a little breathing room.  Remember, we fight or avoid people in the same way we struggle or disown ourselves. So turn your gaze inward before you react.  Find your own ritual this Moon cycle to release unnecessary baggage of all kinds. Reassure that youngster in you that you’ve got them. Make peace within, and the outside will follow suit, with less effort and more enjoyment.  The Cards and Stars will help.

Thank you,

Lisa Greenfield


P.S. Having a totally Mercury Retrograde time with this post.  Chapters disappeared then reappeared in other places.  Page breaks have come and gone, too.  Apologies for any wonkiness.  Smile with me and know that it’s mischief giving us a choice to smile or scream.  I ate chocolate…


4/23      Scorpio Full Moon:  Four of Wands – Solid Relationships

Wow, the cards are calling out the mission for unconditional love this Full Moon. It’s not comfortable, especially with something like a T-square involving Pluto. In Astrology, that’s like the road you’re on stops and you have to turn left or right. You can’t keep going in the direction you’ve been heading. If it feels cruel, know that it isn’t. That left or right turn gives us better connections than the road we’re driving now! Because the toxic mix of shame and guilt within us winds up poured into our relationships.

Fours highlight a firm foundation. Wands are intuitive or spirit-driven. It’s the part of us that senses something beyond the horizon even when we haven’t seen or experienced it yet. So this Moon cycle is going to continue the theme from the eclipse, where our wound wants to put us back in a familiar pain loop. But that’s the dead end. You have to turn in a new direction. Even more of an adventure, you need to trust intuitive input that defies logic. Whew, right?

Progress is a sense inside of you that feels like missing pieces that finally fit, even while it still feels strange. Maybe it’s being accountable for something you’ve resisted owning. Or perhaps you refuse to take the blame for another’s mistake so they can practice responsibility instead of you fixing it, just because you can. You see yourself, your whole self in a way that isn’t just a conditioned response. If you first feel a sense of panic when you detour from familiar roles, know strict adherence to them is like swaddling a baby. At one time you felt safer being held tightly. Now you get to experience being safe outside the narrow limits of that label.

Whatever you do now, it is action more individually tailored for your growth. So that comparison thing, not helpful. It’s better to let another’s courage or strength inspire you. Wands are fire, and fire requires fuel. So be sure you give yourself credit for those brave steps you take. The more you acknowledge yourself as you grow, the easier some of these big changes become. Changes become one more way to really see who you are now and honor it. As you do, opportunities come to you like moths to a flame. Be selective; there’s no shortage of options. Trust abundance and choose wisely what’s a good match for you.


4/24      Eight of Swords:  No False Positivity

The Scorpio Moon trines Saturn today, offering us patience and persistence as we navigate the unfamiliar. This eight symbolizes self-imposed bondage, highlighting where we make things harder for ourselves. But you know what? It’s getting easier to see those patterns and learn how to break free from them, isn’t it? When eights appear, they remind us that the energy we put out comes back to us, not always exactly and not all the time, but generally, when we invest genuine effort, we receive stimulating opportunities for growth.

This isn’t about false positivity, which only covers up unacknowledged feelings. Nor is it a simple transaction of giving to get, that takes us back to a swaddled baby with tight boundaries. Instead, it’s about putting your authentic self into every experience, fostering curiosity even about yourself. What will you discover as you venture into unfamiliar territory?  Can you accept whatever you learn about yourself and incorporate into what comes next?  When you do, that’s self love of the best kind.  It’s the truth that sets you free, and it’s more enjoyable along the way.


4/25      Strength:  Persuasion over force

Mercury stands still today at about 15 degrees of Aries. What have you learned about yourself during this Mercury Retrograde cycle? The Scorpio Moon opposes the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, diving into the areas where our expectations for ourselves and others are unrealistic. We’ve all encountered those sore spots that Mercury retrograde and the eclipses brought to the surface. Now, the task is to examine where we want to mend what was broken in the past in ways that aren’t sustainable in the present.

When you try to connect with someone based on rectifying past wrongs, you both operate from a less empowered place than you do now. With the Moon in harmony with Mars and Neptune today, we can envision better ways to love and be loved. Then, we need to ground it in practical steps that are attainable. For that, we need assistance to overcome self-doubts rooted in history. And that’s an internal journey. Your partner can’t give you self-confidence, although they can help nurture it as you ignite that flame within you. Strength is the opposite of force; it flows gently yet persistently. Find yours today and let the spark of awareness grow into a strong fire to dispel the shadows of self-doubt.  Ask for help when and where you can…


4/26      Seven of Wands:  Higher Ground

Today is a light day astrologically, which is just what benefits you after the intensity of this month. It’s a good day to take stock, acknowledge yourself, and your progress. Practice recognizing your missteps and mistakes; they’re a necessary part of life’s learning curve. This Seven can signal that you’re on higher ground than you realize, so stop struggling. For today, focus on what’s gone right. Praise yourself; go ahead and give yourself a high-five in the mirror. Fire requires fuel, and today’s fuel is praise, applause, recognition, and respect. Fill up your own gas tank, then look for others who could use a fill-up too. Offer an honest compliment where you can and call it a day.


4/27      The Devil:  Is In The Details

There is both easy and challenging aspects today.  It’s to help us catch ourselves when we loop back into a nasty mindset.  Expecting the worst can be a habit.  If you feel that way about others, guess what?  You feel that way about you, too.  When you lie to yourself about what’s happening you can feel the disconnect in your body.  Even when you want the lie to be true, the discord is real.  You feel it.

Which is why it pays to tune into those subtle body cues today.  Practice moving from doubt to intention, not into belief.  Intention is something you contribute that helps bring about what you want to be true.  It’s not a passive state that believes something but waits for it to happen.  Timing may be off today to actually move into action.  So start by locating what’s the next possible step bases on your intention to create something that you want or love.  A step at a time, intentions construct a new reality, one that is a better match for you in this present moment.


4/28      King of Cups:  A Golden No

Today, there’s a cosmic kiss on the forehead for your efforts so far. This King reminds us that when we engage with life, life adds extra ingredients we didn’t even know about yet. It’s good to understand this, especially as each day leads us into more unfamiliar territory. Mars and Neptune meet up exactly in Pisces. This water King helps us pick up collective thoughts, wishes, and dreams, and brings us closer to like-minded others when we’re receptive. This is the reward for the warm-up of the last few days.

This is when you get to engage from more of your whole self. One that doesn’t expect too much of yourself or others without realizing the limitations of doing so. You can’t get it wrong unless you refuse to play. Even if you say no, understand what drives the response. Once you’re sure it’s not unnecessary self-doubt, you can celebrate how a healthy no makes future yeses possible. Give yourself a pat on the back and let the magic this King brings turn whatever you encounter today into gold over time.


4/29      Nine of Cups:  Emotional Maturity Makes Wishes True

Venus moves into Taurus, her home element today, providing further assistance as our Capricorn Moon harmonizes with Saturn in Pisces. There’s an emotional maturity to our desires that becomes possible. This is important because we have to contend with a tough Moon/Mercury square along with Chiron. Once again, we’re reminded to move beyond wishes and beliefs into action to make our dreams come true. Wishes remain untouched by our human process; we can imagine them as perfectly fulfilled, but that’s only in our mind’s eye, not in our day-to-day reality.

We have to risk things being imperfect and even awkward on the way to fulfilling our dreams. Our minds are conditioned by TV and film to expect outcomes in predictable ways. Life doesn’t offer such simple resolutions. It’s filled with more complexity and richness than can possibly be summed up in an edited story. So as you savor the delicious imaginings of what’s possible today, be sure to include some of the spice of life carried in unexpected bumps and hurdles. That’s true emotional maturity, and it allows for outcomes that exceed any imagination because they’re real, and you made them happen.


4/30      Four of Pentacles:  Impulses firm Foundation

It’s an action-packed day today, my friend. So hold onto those impulses. The question of what shared values exist between you and others is on the table. Equitable exchanges are only possible when there is mutual respect and trust for what is offered and received. This Four speaks to tangibly firm foundations. This isn’t about an idea, philosophy, or even a feeling. It’s about an equal match in integrity. This one is a real challenge and it’s not easily established. Pentacles represent the body, the slowest thing to register change.

Which is a message about growing together with shared goals. You may not start in the same place, but are you headed in the same direction? That is the question. If not, then it may just be a short-term exchange along the way. This is important to know and understand its meaning. You can save a lot of heartache and power struggles if you get this established more clearly now. Do what you need to do to understand your motives and values. Then, suss out another’s.

Everyone is changing. So if the past doesn’t seem to match the stated objectives, don’t discard things just yet. Slow change for the better is at hand. Take it one exchange at a time, revisit shared goals and means for achieving them. See where that takes you. Some roads will converge, others will separate. You can only do what’s real and informed by today. Start there.


5/1      Page of Pentacles:  Body Wisdom

Trust yourself. This Page always wants to help you tune in to your body’s messages for you. Remember, they start as subtle tones. It’s only when you ignore or override them that the decibels get louder. Can you feel the difference between your body’s “no” and a “not yet”? Well, if you aren’t sure, today gives you a chance to practice sorting out those kinds of nuances. By evening, the Moon squares off with Uranus to free us from some of those fears that keep us stuck in repetition. While this page is the slowest to change, this ability has built up over time. Surprise! You are better at this than you realized. And there is so much rich information on offer, it may be hard to settle down this evening. Breathe. There’s plenty of time to play with your emerging skills at feeling your way.


5/2      Four of Swords:  Rest Required

The transits of the last twelve hours can take a toll on our nervous system. One meaning for this card is to rest. At the very least, rest your mind. These growth spurts require the ability to tune in to when you’re topped off with a day’s efforts. Keep in mind, this isn’t a race to the finish line. It doesn’t matter how fast the person next to you advances. You can’t get it wrong, and you can’t lose. So why not release those thoughts that keep you stuck in an artificial construct that adds stress and tension?

This is one sneaky way our mind keeps the brakes on our evolution into the unknown. It prefers what it knows because it has already learned how to survive there. Our mind is not sure how to navigate the unfamiliar. But you have your intuition, your heart, and your body that can chime in when you aren’t sure what to do. In fact, when the mind is overwhelmed, it’s one of the best times to let another part of you take the lead. The body always gets the last word and often the quietest. That’s why it helps to rest today. That way, your body gets to add its wisdom to the mix. You’ll be glad you listened.


5/3      Nine of Wands:  A disciplined Approach

The aspects today will contrast actions serving fresh goals with familiar reactions. Mars and Pluto team up, giving you real discipline in your actions. So, your best bet is to dig deep into what motivates you first. When you tap into what’s beneath superficial habits, there’s a need or desire waiting for attention. Most people are motivated by avoiding past pain, but it lacks joy, doesn’t it?

Past pain often occurred when you took risks and weren’t rewarded, perhaps even punished. Re-view the situation now with fresh eyes and the wisdom you’ve gained. What untapped desires are waiting for you to bring them forward again? Learn from past mistakes, but don’t let them stop you from connecting with what delights you and going after more of that in your life. Overcoming obstacles helps us trust ourselves and discern impulse from true heart’s desires. A disciplined approach is possible today. Use yours wisely. Fulfillment awaits ahead.



5/4      Five of Pentacles:  Untapped Potential

One meaning for this five is the ability to compromise. It’s important to remember that insistence on a fixed result or outcome is a trauma response. It doesn’t feel safe to entertain all the avenues available to us; there are too many risks there. We all have our version of that reaction. The opportunity today is to discover yours. Good news! When you do, you keep unwrapping constriction that keeps you in a smaller life than you are here to enjoy.

The Moon sextiles Uranus before meeting up with Neptune. This combination helps you wake up to the potential in your choice, your day, your life. Once you know the feast is waiting, you can feel the hunger in your belly. Then it’s time to find out what most delights your palate. This is a try-before-you-buy kind of day. Take a sample of something tempting here but save room for another taste there. When the Moon enters Aries by evening, it’s hard not to gorge on one sure thing. A little necessary restraint ensures that you discover new delights. A little patience can pay off admirably!


5/5      The Empress:  Integrate Abundance

The Moon is in Aries, offering fresh perspectives to everything we do. With fewer astrological aspects today, it’s an opportunity to integrate all the celestial activity of the past month into your body. Take a moment to reflect on what you enjoyed, what you didn’t, and how enriching these additional inputs have been.

Keep in mind that people on a starvation diet have to train their bodies to accept food again. There may be moments where too many choices or too much input can trigger your alarm system. The best remedy for this is small doses of happiness, encouragement, and validation. And guess what? You can provide that for yourself anytime. Today is a perfect day to do just that. Why not write yourself a thank-you letter for all the good things you’ve done for yourself recently? There’s no right or wrong way to do it; it’s simply a chance to acknowledge your efforts.

By showing the world how to recognize and appreciate your efforts, you’re teaching your body how to safely receive all the sensory delights around you.


5/6      Five Of Cups:  Looking Pain In The Eye

The problem with opening up to the good stuff, like we practiced yesterday, is that the stuff we don’t want creeps in too. That’s why so many people stay shut down; it’s an attempt to keep the bad news outside the door. But there’s a better approach. This is the opportunity to practice unconditional love. It comes in the form of deep acceptance of the unpleasant truth. There’s no need to rush to fix it, blame, or shame anyone involved. That’s different from sorting out responsibility. What part of the unhappiness did you contribute to, and what were you just a bystander or recipient of in any painful memory?

Your ability to look pain in the eyes is a skill worth building. Pain needs a witness. Notice what you do when you are in that space. Do you overfunction to fix the problems that caused pain? Do you underfunction and focus your complaint on those who contributed badly? Most of us lack the ability to sit in acceptance and let the situation inform us. Think of that word: inform. How we take in what hurts and what we do about it forms our being. That’s why being able to look pain in the eye and hold your boundaries is enormously powerful.

Today is not about repair; it is a day to know thyself. The Five of Cups represents heartache. No one escapes this life free of that pain. But suffering over it is optional. We suffer when we keep telling the same powerless stories. Sit with the pain in your world today, let it sink in, and start to form it into what suits you as you are now, not what you were. There is power in uncertainty. It means you aren’t going off of reflex. Be sure to tell yourself that truth when you second-guess what’s unfolding. You are doing things just right; adjust as you wish.





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