Full Moon – The War Within


Sandwiched between heavy weights Pluto and Saturn, this Full Moon packs a real punch emotionally.  Very few people have emerged untouched by the present currents that have some running at a mad pace trying to fit everything in to a day, while others collapse almost numb from overwhelm.  Then there are the lucky few who swing between the two extremes, just to be sure they don’t miss anything.  There is purpose behind this pain, my friend.

In this time of transition, you are becoming the adult in the room.  Most of us don’t even realize how often the wounded child in us is dictating how we respond or initiate whatever happens in our day.  If you are boiling over or numb this evolution had brought on overload.  Feelings need time and space to settle, unlike our minds which race ahead in an instant.  We may feel at the mercy of outside forces or intent on correcting those outside forces.  Both of those are still reaction responses rather than creativity unleashed, which flourishes with more time and space.

Between now and October Saturn sits in the placement to help us refine our relationships.  This is a delicate process, calling for a blade not a sledge hammer.  It begins by identifying where we are stuck inside a story that limits expression of those needs.  We all need to feel loved.  If someone behaves in a way that feels unloving to you, resist the urge to label them (or you) the problem. That fix it mentality is reactionary, and implies something is broken.  What if the pattern is what needs to go, and the relationship is exactly the practice for being present to what you want and need.  It’s time to go pattern hunting.  Learn how to let anything that happens be fuel for a creative bonfire. 

This Full Moon highlights a fixed star that has to do with hearing.  I saw a picture illustrating how our two ears side by side create a heart shape.  What intrigued me is Saturn sits now in the gate that has to do with co-dependence.  Co-dependence includes the inability to hear and respond to our deeper feelings and needs.  The trauma response means we often don’t hear what the other is saying either.  Instead the fear of loss – loss of connection, loss of control – dictates the story.  A familiar story and painful more than not.  What happens when we slow down to hear not just our stories but the deeper feelings that gave birth to them in the first place?  

When we recognize needs and inner dialogue, suddenly creative possibilities emerge.  We get peanut butter and chocolate taste sensation instead of a battle over differences.  When someone behaves in a way you see as ‘hurtful’ you can use it to get to the core of what you want to bring about from the situation.  You don’t have to play out the same old dialogue or roles.  Instead you can practice speaking up for what you want and need in a way that listens first to yourself and then to those you communicate with, for a fresh dialogue.  

When you see the bigger Truth of you as you are now, suddenly the conversation on what needs adjusting is less threatening.  It can still be charged because we can’t abandon ourselves to keep a connection (or threaten others with abandonment if they don’t meet our needs).  That’s why speed won’t help.  Feel your way one interaction at a time so you can try on new approaches like shoe shopping or creative cooking.  

Notice where the power stories are.  Where do you feel in command, where don’t you?  Quality time on feeling your authority in what you believe about yourself is time well spent. Once you feel it, people and situations hold less threat and more potential.  Back to peanut butter and chocolate.   Happy co-creation this next Moon Cycle.  It is potent, you require your full attention and you can win the war within and have no casualties beyond the old stories that no longer have any real control over you.  The cards and stars will help.

Thank you,

Lisa Greenfield



July 23rd Full Moon – Queen of wands

This Fire Queen stands opposite the Leo Sun in a good match. Aquarius Moon, the sign of the people sits between the ‘Destruction of the Old Order’ (Pluto in Capricorn) and the emerging Will of the People (Saturn in Aquarius). Queen’s highlight the receptive gifts and ‘attractor factor’ within us. This combination of Fire and Air (Leo Sun, Aquarius Moon) cautions us to mix oxygen and fire carefully. Don’t give the old stories with built-in limits more fuel than they deserve. Instead find the win/win solutions. Once you do more solutions and support abounds.

Since Eris is strong in this Moon cycle we are still uncovering those old wants and needs that didn’t get any air time. Before you ask those around you to pay for historical grievances that they may not even have been around for, give yourself those needs quality time. Your attention can help honor the feelings without unleashing them on another.

When you do that, it also sends your wounded unconscious the message that you are worth your time. Sometimes all they require is honest and empathetic space to exist. Learn how to ask for what you want or need now. Then begins the more exciting, albeit challenging, task of crafting out how those needs are met.

Think of it as ship building. The relationships you have now or want to build could use refinement. Commit to inviting all of you to the party, but not every thought, feeling or need gets the microphone. Some of them just need to be invited and seen. Then you can discuss what shape, size and effect you want the relationship to occupy with others from a more centered place. When you honor your conflicting feelings and needs without giving in to their immediate demands, you teach others how you wish to be treated. Commit to the process, this isn’t overnight success. Ship building takes time. Allow for mistakes and learn from your own instead of watchdogging others imperfections. The more you practice, the better craftsman you become and the more your relationships become works of art that also function well.

July 24th – Ace of cups

There is a sweet line up of celestial help today with Mercury, the Messenger in easy aspect with Neptune, The DreamMaker. The Moon teams up with Saturn. This helps ground that far reaching Dream Machine so you can start to build those big ship of dreams one conscious choice at a time today. Pause, reflect and then choose. The smallest decisions today are merely the tip of the iceberg. Begin as you mean to go on with consideration for you, all of you AND consideration for those you interact with today. The ability to hold both people in fair measure, yourself first and then another, gives you a solid platform for all that comes after.

July 25th Four of wands

The best of relationships can withstand stormy seas and there may be some waves today. Your inner narrator assigns meaning (or blame), so pay attention and refine that story to one that fits you now, not a historical situation that is long gone. Anger is meant to consolidate us so we can speak up for ourselves. If there is too much or too little, adjust accordingly. Too much and you burn bridges. Too little and you fail to hold your own in creating what is. Balance is the goal here. Let wherever it feels out of balance help you learn and grow. You can even make it a game – try that if you will.

July 26th Five of Cups

Watch your rational mind today, it can be a thief. Logic can help to sort through difficult emotions. It can also try to separate us from what we love, particularly if we fear losing it. When the fear brain takes charge to save us from future pain of one kind it can plunge us into pain of another kind. Pain is inevitable in life. Risk is inevitable in life. Avoiding those elements means limiting your life to a much bigger degree than most realize. Take stock of that today and by evening you start to see the patterns emerge. Security from ‘past pain’ can cost you so much more in today’s emotional dollars. Invest wisely and well to turn those overturned expectations into fresh intentions that serve you in the present.

July 27th Queen of cups

Ah, good fortune and happiness today, what a relief! There is a bit of ‘adulting’ required but there is room to indulge the young you. Pay attention to your inner dialogue. Today is a good day to talk to yourself the way you wish your Mom would have comforted you. Find your own voice and speak to yourself the way you would have loved her speaking to you.

Mercury and Ceres meet up well. Pisces Moon with Neptune intuitively finds our sore spots for a sweet soul kiss. Watch for the shadow side of this pairing. Instead of a kiss to our old sore spots we might be tempted to climb into the victim chair and hold court, not that anyone really listens. So do your own self soothing, be kind to your tender places and watch how troubled waters smooth over.

July 28th Four of Pentacles

Look for the theme of how to work and play nice with others today. It’s easy to get a bit self focused and forget that others needs and wants might requires accommodation, too. Instead of squaring off and boxing yourself – a bit of my way or the highway – try collaboration. NOT compromise, where each person gives up what they want. Arrange each persons wants and needs, like four corners, then stack them for a fresh take on what happens next. Make a two story outcome instead of competing for limited ground space. There is enough to go around, so explore that instead of fighting over territories.

July 29th Nine of Pentacles

Nine always highlights mastering the suit it shows up in, which is pentacle and the body today. It is hard to miss the dysfunctional patterns of how we go after what we want. Now, what do you want to do with those patterns once you identify them, hmmm? This is the place where you get to take a lap in your power suit. We all have our unique desires and needs that make up us. HOW we meet those is creative space, which we often forget when habit takes over.

See where active and receptive go together, or not, today. Do you usually wait for what happens or do you usually make things happen. Do you do it overtly or do you slide around the edges with subtle influence. Acknowledge what you do well, and be equally willing to upgrade what doesn’t feel aligned with being more you as you are now. Sometimes manipulation or submission is just an invitation to expand into clearer expression of what you feel and what you want.

July 30th Four of cups

This is the second four in this Moon cycle, which heralds good relationships. Which is vital to all that unfolds around us, now more than ever. Relationship renovation is possible here. Minor or major is up to you, but an upgrade is available when you honestly and lovingly see yourself as you are now, patterns and all. The more you can resist forcing yourself into roles and feel your way through what is in front of you, the better the quality of each moment spent interacting with those around you. Be kind to the protective instincts that fall back on ‘should’ for how we feel and think. Then you can replace the ‘should’ with ‘want to’ instead. If we look to be considered by others, are we willing to provide an environment of consideration? That’s an easy renovation to apply.

July 31st The Tower

Well we have an interesting run of cards between yesterday and tomorrow with the Tower smack in the middle. If you are bent on breaking patterns apart and starting fresh, there is huge support for doing that well. The downside is if you get stuck in the victim mindset and over react there is quite literally a war that can break out. What adds to the shock of change is our resistance to it. Change is at hand, all over the world, in so many ways, the nervous system can scarcely keep up. This card often heralds a move, but with the Four of Cups before it and the Emperor after it, this is putting our internal emotional system on solid ground.

You are forever the captain of your own internal state of being, no matter the weather. What happens is far less impactful than what you do with it, what you decide it means. Pay attention to how you handle changes. Do you take time for meaningful pauses? Our emotional system needs pauses. They are good for us when we are in a rapidly changing environment. Set the intention to manage your mind by giving it a job to do. Have it look for strategic places to take a mini mental health break. When you get them, do your gratitudes.

Keep it simple. Do your eyes work, do you have food on the table? That simple… say a thank you and run your hands down your opposite arm to soothe you. The better you are at nurturing yourself in a shifting landscape, the more you can create with whatever is at hand. Last but not least, today’s aspects point to seismic activity so best to be prepared and relaxed. This way you can respond well to whatever ‘shakes out’ in the landscape of your world.

August 1st The Emperor

This card is often read as controlling, dictatorial, strong and in command. With the layout of the energy these couple of days, you will need to decide whether you are the dictator or benevolent ruler of service in your inner kingdom. Mercury opposes Saturn and what opposes, exposes. So the limits of your critical mind and pesky old stories that wound are likely to be served up from outside of you.

Instead of railing at the offending person who treads on your tender emotional toes, try gratitude that they help show you what was hidden. It’s a bit of a mixed bag today, back and forth between being upset by something then soothing yourself only to begin it all over someplace else. Patience. You will get some good practice in on being the one in charge of your inner dialogue. Try adding a pinch of humor at it all. It can’t hurt and may help.

August 2nd Six of Pentacles

Pause before you act today and you’ll be glad you did later. Things are a little shaky the first part of the day, but smooth out towards evening. When you jump to conclusions you expose those old triggers and wounds, but you have the upper hand with a little applied patience. Don’t be afraid to ask for a ‘do over’ if you shoot your mouth off too quickly. Offer a heartfelt apology and ask for a redo when you screw up. Be willing to offer the same when it’s needed. Change has a learning curve. Help soften it with a little grace applied where you can.

August 3rd nine of swords

This card always reminds us that most of what we fear never happens. Be mindful of letting your brain cast outsized shadows today. Turn the light of love and truth on any situation and you find that what you most feared has almost no impact on where you stand now. Odd corners reveal some ‘aha moments’. You may have a hard time explaining what’s going on inside you to those around you. But you get to see the way your fear brain tries to scare you back into safe space. Once you see that neat little tactic, it no longer has the same impact on you. Sweet, right…

August 4th Six of wands

This second six with that Nine of Swords between them is a bonanza of good news. Remember we are in the co-dependency clean up phase. Two sixes signal a marriage or union of some kind. Often it is the marriage of head and heart, inner world and outer action. There is a feeling of being in sync with our selves, which of course informs our world. We see what needs to be done and have an easier time doing it. The Laurel leaves of success crown this six. It’s a good day to give yourself credit for what you’ve accomplished. Pats on the back, verbally, mentally or even physically are a nice way to spend quality time on you today.

August 5th Ten of pentacles

The Moon gets a blast of perspective from shocking Uranus by evening to help us see where we can be our own inner ally. The relationship you have with yourself is the longest one of your life. Today you commit to making that a better one when you make space for all the parts of you. Yes, those shadow parts that don’t clean up are part of you, too.

When you acknowledge those less attractive parts they don’t bleed over into decision making. That’s what allows you to go beyond where you’ve gone before. You aren’t spending as much time hiding the unloved or unwelcome bits of you from yourself. You don’t need to inflict them on others, but give them safe space in your consciousness. Like the kids table in the other room. Let them into the party, just give them their own space where they can’t cause as much trouble.

August 6th Eight of wands

Today’s report card will show you what kind of energy you put out there. When you act from a place of adult responsibility you attract more of the same. When your shadow shows up to run the show, you invite the shadow of those around you to show up too. We can love a person without loving their behavior. Sometimes we need to be reminded of that. Separate out the two. Behavior can change. Love is the perfect soil to plant big dreams in for harvest later. Judgement, criticism, perfectionism and victim mentality are rocky soil to be sure. You can see quite clearly today, if you are brave enough to look, that you reap what you sow. If you don’t like the crop, address the behaviors and do it with love. The harvest will improve from there.

August 7th The star

With the moon opposing Saturn today, this Star asks you, ‘what is worth your time’? When you wish for something, do you know how to show up for it? First we have to believe it’s possible. Not just ‘think’ it’s possible. We need belief. Believing means you work with the fear voices that point out all the things that can go wrong. You can have your dreams when you are willing to invest in them. Spend quality time, attention to detail, patience and willingness to overcome obstacles – this is the currency that makes the dreams real. Where and what are you spending your time on and does that time serve your bigger dreams? If not, you know what to do… step by step. Move onto the path that makes those dreams possible. They are waiting for you.

Comments (1)

Love this…Thank you, Lisa. Today’s message for August 7th is spot on!
Molly Summers

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