Conflict On Hand & How To Diffuse it…


Surprise, I’ve launched my forum for all things hands.  And you’re invited.  In fact there are going to be all kinds of fun things possible through that platform, including radio shows like the one I am guest on tomorrow.

Hear about the CEO that went from heated to seated after a few tips from the Truth in Hand for her and her sister.  I just love what I do and love to share this with you.  You may recognize the battle.  Who knows the peace of mind it may save…

For now, check out the story HERE.

If it’s your jam, then you’re welcome to sign up.  Take a bite for free.  If you want a snack or a full course meal, it’s there too.  What is available for all is a live broadcast with Kathy Biehl on OmTimes Radio.  The details are in the post.  Thank you for sharing what I love in big and small ways.  My world is better with you in it.

Wishing you well, always.

Lisa Greenfield

Hi, oh boy did Kathy Biehl and I have fun talking about Astrology and Hands! We discussed how our hands reveal our personal risk levels. Then we visited where the stars and what’s ‘in hand’ mirror each other and what the big Pluto shift might bring.

But if you thought you missed the good stuff, I’ve got good news! Here are different ways you can catch the discussion:

OmTimes Radio: /

Want to keep this podcast on hand, pun intended. Download it and make it yours.

Finally, if you prefer your familiar YouTube platform, you can listen to it here:

There is so much insight available, right there in our hands echoed by our stars. Thank you for sharing what we love about YOU.

Comments (1)

I listened to your OM Times program with Kathy Biehl. I’ve worked with her for years.
I am drawn to learn more from you. I’m excited to have a reading and classes.
Thank you!

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